Adastrio Foliar Fungicide
Adastrio fungicide by FMC is a foliar fungicide that combines three modes of action and is the first fungicide to use the newest molecule in the SDHI class, fluindapyr. This fungicide is built to provide broad-spectrum control of key foliar diseases and help protect yield potential through to harvest.
Adastrio has a unique combination of three active ingredients: fluindapyr (Group 7), flutriafol (Group 3) and azoxystrobin (Group 11). These active ingredients provide a flexible and efficient foliar disease management tool for growers. It has a broad application window in corn, a low use rate and long-lasting residual control.
Adastrio fungicide brings together three modes of action to create an optimized pre-mix exclusively from FMC. This liquid foliar fungicide delivers fluindapyr - a novel molecule in the SDHI class - highly systemic flutriafol and azoxystrobin for efficient, broad-spectrum control of a variety of diseases with a low use rate of 7-9 fl. oz./A.
Adastrio fungicide offers up to 30 days of residual activity and high translaminar movement. In addition to controlling tar spot, Southern rust, gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and more.
Give your crops the best chance at a strong season with a premix you can’t find anywhere else.
- Diplodia Ear Rot
- Anthracnose Leaf Blight
- Gray Leaf Spot
- Southern Rust
- Common Rust
- Selenophoma (eyespot)
- Northern Corn Leaf Blight
- Southern Corn Leaf Blight
- Northern Corn Leaf Spot
- Physoderma Brown Spot
- Tar Spot
- Leaf Rust
- Stripe Rust
- Stagonospora Blotch
- Tan Spot
- Septoria Leaf Blotch
- Stem Rust
- Net Blotch
- Powdery Mildew
- Foliar disease protection from tar spot, Southern rust, gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight and more.
- Combination of three active ingredients, including fluindapyr, a novel molecule in the SDHI class.
- Reduces abiotic stress during grain fill after application.
- Low use rate: 7-9 fl. oz./A.
- Long-lasting residual - 30 day window of protection
- Fluindapyr
- Flutriafol
- Azoxystrobin
Adastrio is available in 2.5 gallon jugs and for application in custom blends. Call an agronomist for current pricing and availability. This is a restricted-use chemical and requires a pesticide license to buy. It may not be available to ship. Call for more information 410-692-2200.