The male Northern Cardinal is likely one of the most recognizable songbirds in our area. With their bright red plumage, they easily catch professional and amateur birders alike. The females are less eye catching, but still quite distinct, with their bright orange breaks and red/brown coloring. Northern Cardinals stay in our area year-round, causing them to be common visitors to backyard feeders. Cardinals prefer dense shrubbery for nesting and are often seen along thicker forest edges and in backyards with dense, shrubby landscaping. They also like having some higher perches for singing and overseeing their territories, but generally stay out of treetops. These birds are primarily seed, nut, and fruit eaters and can be often seen at feeders working the shells off of Black Oil sunflower seeds in their beaks. With this in mind, any birdseed blend with Black Oil sunflower seeds is a sure way to attract Cardinals to your yard!
Shop The Mill Cardinal Blend here.